Forsit is shaping its culture through five core values and cultivating the potential of its talents based on twelve leadership principles.

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Our Culture

Diamond Culture

To us, culture is a unified mindset and behavior that achieves a common mission. Our ability to move quickly and produce results faster than large corporations is all thanks to our culture. We believe that when every individual has a sharp focus like a diamond, with unified thinking and actions, it can have a much greater impact than larger and broader objects.


Forsit's motto is 'Focus.' This means setting priorities, and we consider it the most important aspect of our internal culture. Our leadership team has faced challenges related to Technical Debt, the waste generated from unnecessary tasks, and we always prefer a lean working approach.

Before finding solutions, we first question, "Is the problem we are experiencing genuine?" We plan the most crucial tasks and projects in a timeline-appropriate order, emphasizing a Lean methodology.

2.Problem Solving

Forsit's name is derived from the Latin word for 'to solve a problem.' This problem-solving mindset is at the core of our company culture.

We start by questioning whether the problem we need to solve actually exists and then clearly define the problem. After that, we select the most effective solution among the available options. Finally, we execute our tasks step by step using our unique Bulletpoint planning method.

3.Data Driven

At Forsit, data is the starting point for everything we do.

We meticulously record and organize data, cultivating a culture of using it to solve problems. Since our inception, we've built datasets with consideration for AI software, growing to become one of the companies with the most extensive data on online sales, both domestically and internationally.

The intelligence of Forsit's software is continually improving, with the ultimate goal of having software users solve the same problems rather than relying on human service providers.

4.Flexibility & Responsibility

At Forsit, flexibility is our pride. We foster a creative and free environment while maintaining a culture of responsibility.

Those who join us are often pleasantly surprised, wondering, 'How do people here work so well on their own?' We trust in each individual's abilities, providing freedom and macro-management support for those excelling, while offering micro-management guidance for those in need of assistance.

5.Value Recognition

Forsit genuinely recognizes the passionate efforts and contributions of its team members.

We do not enforce overtime work. Instead, those who achieve notable results are rewarded with significant salary increases and promotion opportunities. We sincerely acknowledge individuals who work hard, and our culture emphasizes celebrating their efforts and sharing in their success.

폴싯 DNA 업무 방식

우리는 막연한 업무 지시를 하지 않습니다 폴싯 DNA를 통해 Forsit 만의 Nature와 Nurture를 배우면서 기획법을 배우게 됩니다 
우리는 어떠한 생각으로 당신이 이러한 기획을 하게 되었는지 순서와 체계를 모두 공감하고 알게 됩니다

문제 해결에 집중합니다

문제는 누구에게나 일어 날 수 있습니다 특히 주니어의 경우 문제가 생기면 당황하기 마련입니다 
문제 해결을 어떻게 해야 할지 아직 미숙하기 때문입니다. Forsit 에서는 서로 문제를 비난 하기 보다는 문제를 해결 하는데 집중하고 서로 방법을 찾으려 독려하고 방법을 함께 찾습니다

인정하는 문화

인정 받아야 할 가치 있는 그 어떤 것이든,
적절하게 인정받고 보상 받도록 합니다

당신을 리더로 성장시켜 드립니다

Forsit 만에 리더가 되는 12개의 원칙이 있습니다.
당신이 리더가 되고 싶으면 

12개의 능력을 개발하고
더 많은 보상과 혜택을 누리세요

자유로움 속에 유연하고
책임있게 일합니다

업무 환경은 자유롭습니다,
그러나 업무에 대한 그만큼 책임이 주어지게 됩니다
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Forsit's motto is 'Focus.' This means setting priorities, and we consider it the most important aspect of our internal culture. Our leadership team has faced challenges related to Technical Debt, the waste generated from unnecessary tasks, and we always prefer a lean working approach.

Before finding solutions, we first question, "Is the problem we are experiencing genuine?" We plan the most crucial tasks and projects in a timeline-appropriate order, emphasizing a Lean methodology.

2.Problem Solving

Forsit's name is derived from the Latin word for 'to solve a problem.' This problem-solving mindset is at the core of our company culture.

We start by questioning whether the problem we need to solve actually exists and then clearly define the problem. After that, we select the most effective solution among the available options. Finally, we execute our tasks step by step using our unique Bulletpoint planning method.

3.Data Driven

At Forsit, data is the starting point for everything we do.

We meticulously record and organize data, cultivating a culture of using it to solve problems. Since our inception, we've built datasets with consideration for AI software, growing to become one of the companies with the most extensive data on online sales, both domestically and internationally.

The intelligence of Forsit's software is continually improving, with the ultimate goal of having software users solve the same problems rather than relying on human service providers.

4.Flexibility & Responsibility

At Forsit, flexibility is our pride. We foster a creative and free environment while maintaining a culture of responsibility.

Those who join us are often pleasantly surprised, wondering, 'How do people here work so well on their own?' We trust in each individual's abilities, providing freedom and macro-management support for those excelling, while offering micro-management guidance for those in need of assistance.

5.Value Recognition

Forsit genuinely recognizes the passionate efforts and contributions of its team members.

We do not enforce overtime work. Instead, those who achieve notable results are rewarded with significant salary increases and promotion opportunities. We sincerely acknowledge individuals who work hard, and our culture emphasizes celebrating their efforts and sharing in their success.


12 Leadership Principles

At Forsit, we continuously develop the potential of our team members to enable them to grow as leaders. We apply and evaluate the following 12 leadership principles.

Set priorities

Leaders set priorities based on timelines and focus on the most important goals. They make judgments about areas that are not currently needed or applicable, reducing technical debt and making the most efficient decisions, informed by a deep understanding of the issues.

Start from the Customer

Leaders start by looking at tasks in reverse, beginning with customer or user problems. Through a deep understanding and empathy for the customer's experience, they identify issues and find the most suitable solutions.

Deliver Results

Leaders clearly understand the goals and deliver results. They identify the resources and timeline needed to achieve important metrics and generate outcomes.


Leaders, as owners of projects or products, create results from a long-term perspective. They act as representatives of the entire company and do not say, "It's not my job".

Invent and Simplify

Leaders identify complex problems, expect innovation and invention from the team, and always find simpler ways to address them.

Insist on the Highest Standards

Leaders consistently set high standards, even if some may consider them unreasonably high. They continuously raise the bar to lead the team in delivering such quality.

Think Big

Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders create bold and inspiring directions, effectively communicating them to motivate others.

Take Initiatives

Leaders tackle problems that arise in achieving goals, initiate new projects, and focus on achieving the most critical objectives. They deeply understand user needs and make decisions to reduce technical debt, eliminating unnecessary or unproductive elements.

Bias for Action

Leaders choose actions over inaction. Unless a decision is irreversible, leaders should become accustomed to making swift decisions on the spot.

Dive Deep

Leaders pay attention to details. They thoroughly understand all processes of the work and manage quality. When key metrics differ, they delve deeply to identify the actual issues.

Positive Impact

Leaders keep the company's common vision in mind and spread positive energy and mindset throughout the organization.

Learn and Be Curious

Leaders always learn and seek self-improvement. They maintain curiosity about new possibilities and take action to explore them.