Achieving an annual growth rate of 380%,
we are actively creating growth and transformation together.
of software products
Forsit is comprised of a total of 80 team members domestically and internationally, with diverse talents from various global companies. Drawing on experiences from Amazon, TikTok, Thrasyio, Sephora, Estée Lauder, and more, we have created our own formula for the overseas success of domestic brands. As a result, approximately 70 Korean products have achieved the top position as bestsellers abroad."
Many brands produced domestically attempt to venture into international exports, but the probability of success in exports for more than three years is less than 1%. While the beginning may be easy, sustaining success becomes challenging.
We have successfully executed global exports based on our skilled experience and know-how.
We work together to develop entry strategies for different countries and platforms,
offering insights into the secrets of success.
We aim to transform the success rate of domestic brands exporting globally from 1% to 100%, connecting domestic brands with international consumers.
"The company demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and sustainability. This signifies the company's recognition of a socially responsible role and instills pride in employees who share such values."
I am responsible for various task automation, internal product development, and process improvement at Polsit to ensure efficient workflow. Based on user needs, I rapidly develop, deploy, and experiment with features that address real problems, deriving solutions.
"Working within Forsit's corporate culture has become a meaningful experience every moment. I believe that in the future, greater achievements and innovations await us."
I am responsible for ensuring the stability and efficient management of Polsit's finances, as well as improving internal and external accounting processes and providing solutions.
"The company fosters an atmosphere that values open communication and collaboration among team members. This culture significantly enhances operational efficiency and positively influences team performance by promoting the sharing and respectful exchange of ideas."
Our goal is to achieve success for our brand in the global market by becoming the top seller on platforms such as Amazon, Coupang, and Walmart with domestic products.
The market is constantly evolving, and within it, we face numerous challenges. However, Forsit's first principle is to focus on the most fundamental and core issues. We engage in rewarding work by building systems and data to address complex challenges in the export field, leading to the international success of domestic brands.
The marketing team collaborates with 2,800 global creators, handling a large volume of TikTok content and boosting domestic brand visibility through famous influencers on YouTube and Instagram branding.
Forsit operates within a flexible culture where everyone approaches the mission with a strong sense of responsibility. I look forward to gaining opportunities for continuous professional development while working here.
The Advertising (AD) team, in sync with market changes, introduces the most advanced technical solutions across various channels. Collaborating with the development team and global top performance leaders, they design an e-commerce-specialized growth hacking loop.
"Forsit is more than just a workplace; it's a dynamic environment designed to cultivate and enhance your abilities, paving the way for success in your professional journey.”
크레에이티브 팀은 이커머스와 온라인 광고에 특화되어 있으며, 해외 브랜드 포지셔닝 부터 그래픽, 카피라이팅, 사진 촬영, 영상 제작까지 국내 브랜드가 해외에서 성공할 수 있는 모든 창의적인 역량을 동원
"Forsit은 뛰어난 동료들과 함께 하루하루가 다르게 성장하고 있습니다.함께 일하면서 유일무이한 로켓에 함께 올라타 직접 그 변화를 만들어 나간다는 자부심을 느낄 수 있습니다.”
"이 회사는 업계 내에서 높은 전문성을 유지하고 있습니다.
그래서 저는 여기서
일하며 지속적인 전문성 향상의 기회를 얻을 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.”
"회사는 열린 의사 소통과 팀원 간의 협업을 중요시하는 분위기를 갖추고
이는 업무 효율성을 높이는 데 큰 도움이 되며, 서로의 아이디어를 나누고 존중하는 문화가 팀의 성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미칩니다."
"회사는 직원의 복지에 큰 관심을
기울이고 있습니다. 근무 환경은 편리하고 안전하며, 복지 혜택도 다양하게 제공됩니다.
이는 직원들이 업무에 집중할 수 있도록 지원하며, 효율적인 업무 수행에 도움이 됩니다."
"회사는 사회적 책임과 지속 가능성에 대한 커밋먼트를 보여주고 있습니다.
이는 회사가 사회적으로 책임 있는 시민으로서의 역할을 인식하고 있음을 나타내며, 그러한 가치를 공유하는 직원으로서 자부심을 느끼게 합니다."
"회사의 리더십은 비전을 가지고 팀을 이끄는 데 뛰어나며, 팀원들 간의 긍정적인 상호 작용을 촉진합니다.
이는 업무 환경에서 긍정적인 에너지를 유지하는 데 큰 역할을 하고 있으며, 저는 이 팀 문화에 참여하고 기여하고 싶어졌습니다."
"Forsit is more than just a workplace; it's a dynamic environment designed to cultivate and enhance your abilities, paving the way for success in your professional journey.
“Forsit은 유연한 문화 속에 모두가 강한 책임감을 가지고 미션에 임하고 있습니다, 여기서 일하며 지속적인 전문성 향상의 기회를 얻을 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.”
"Forsit은 뛰어난 동료들과 함께 하루하루가 다르게 성장하고 있습니다.함께 일하면서 유일무이한 로켓에 함께 올라타 직접 그 변화를 만들어 나간다는 자부심을 느낄 수 있습니다.”
"The company demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.
This signifies the company's recognition of its socially responsible role, and as an employee who shares these values, it instills a sense of pride."
"Working within Forsit's corporate culture has become a meaningful experience in every moment. I believe that in the future, greater achievements and innovations await us. The vision we are creating together is truly exciting and filled with amazing possibilities. This journey to create a better world with colleagues who share the same goals and vision is truly a proud and joyful experience."
"The company fosters an atmosphere that values open communication and collaboration among team members.
This contributes significantly to improving work efficiency, and a culture of sharing and respecting each other's ideas positively impacts the team's performance."
"The market is constantly evolving, and within it, we face numerous challenges. However, Forsit's first principle is to focus on the most fundamental and core issues.
We build systems and leverage data to address complex challenges in the field of exports, leading rewarding efforts to ensure the success of domestic brands in the global market."
"Forsit operates within a flexible culture where everyone approaches the mission with a strong sense of responsibility. We anticipate that working here provides opportunities for continuous professional growth."
"Forsit is more than just a workplace; it's a dynamic environment designed to cultivate and enhance your abilities, paving the way for success in your professional journey.”
Forsit helps Korean brands enter and succeed in international marketplaces. Explore success stories of Korean products reaching #1 bestseller on major platforms like Amazon, Walmart, Qoo10, Rakuten. Consider venturing into the global market with us.
I help successfully localize domestic brands abroad with experience in effective e-commerce and advertising operations. From overseas positioning to design, copywriting, shooting, and video production, I leverage all creative capabilities to ensure success for domestic brands overseas.
We maintain inventory at a safe level through systematic overseas e-commerce demand forecasting and operate air, sea, trucking, warehouse operations, and fulfillment. In addition, we review export regulations and handle various issues that may arise locally, accelerating the export process and reducing costs.
Leverage the largest overseas influencer pool in Korea and plan trendy content to make your products go viral. From mass production of TikTok content to branding on YouTube and Instagram through well-known influencers, introduce your domestic brand to millions of global consumers.
In the United States, Amazon has about 3 million active sellers, creating more than 10 times the competition compared to Naver. In the intensifying competition, advertising costs have increased. The Forsit advertising team is adapting to these market changes by implementing the most advanced technical solutions across various channels.
As the overseas market expands, the number of SKUs and sales pages increases, making the processes more complex and prone to oversights. Forsit has optimized crucial processes in export, sales, and marketing during the internationalization through its proprietary software (Compass, Panorama, Pulse).